
We welcome contributions from critical minds of diverse backgrounds and in different formats, in which Brussels is a major reference.

In order to motivate, encourage and provoke, the Brussels Newsroom launches a “call for contributions” to share a specific line of interest and to give a common context to the contributions coming from different authors and formats. Contributions could include case studies, articles, interpretative mapping, photographic essays, videos, interviews, or by any other means that best expresses your view on Brussels, with a narrative related (but not limited) to the theme framed in the “call for contributions”.

The call includes a short editorial note and a suggested series of cases that we find very relevant to deepen and explore. This does not intent to limit the content to be published on the Brussels Newsroom, other interesting contributions from other scopes and fields of interest are still equally suitable to be published in the Brussels Newsroom at any time.

If you would like to submit a piece or discuss a possible contribution, please send us a 500 word abstract with a short explanation of your idea and proposed format to: bruxelles[a]